a man who is thinking about the causes of low testosterone

Causes of Low Testosterone

Low testosterone is a condition that’s on the mind of many men, and for good reason too; almost 25% are affected by age 30, and the chance of developing it only increases with age. However, low testosterone is something that can occur at any stage of life for any number of reasons. The following five causes of low testosterone are by no means the only ways this problem develops, but they are the most common.


The testes are responsible for the production of testosterone in men, so any testicular injury can potentially cause low testosterone levels. Typically if only one testicle is injured, testosterone levels won’t be negatively affected. An injury to both is required for significant testosterone loss.

Cancer Treatments

Both chemotherapy and radiation have the potential to decrease testosterone production, because these treatments have no way of distinguishing between healthy cells and cancerous ones. Testosterone production usually returns to normal after treatment is discontinued, but some men will still experience permanent infertility as a result of the temporary loss of the hormone.


Although the exact link between obesity and low testosterone has yet to be fully understood, the fact remains that over 75% of men who are obese suffer from decreased levels of the hormone. Current research has indicated that being overweight can have even more of an impact on testosterone levels than old age, which was once believed to be the most potent cause.

Undescended Testicles

When a male child is born, his testicles may not yet be descended from his groin. This “dropping” process usually takes place within the first year of life, but if one or both remain undescended after this time, it may negatively affect their body’s ability to produce testosterone.


Getting older is one of the most common and unavoidable causes of low testosterone levels. Even though this drop is perfectly normal, that doesn’t mean that men who have low testosterone due to age won’t experience any of the associated symptoms. It’s estimated that 30 to 50% of men ages 70 and older suffer from age-induced low testosterone.

Last Updated: April 21, 2016